The Act Itself Introductory Ad Rate
Now is the time to take advantage of our special ad rates. Purchase ads for our first or second issue and receive our Sponsoring Advertisers Rate for the rest of the year! Act now, because rates will change and these will be your only chance to lock yourself into these low prices for the rest of the year.
All ads are produced in b&w/grayscale. Dimensions described below are in inches. All advertisers receive a free copy of each publication their ad appears in, and additional copies by request for half off, plus shipping.
Full page (7.75 x 10.5) $250 per issue
Half page tall (3.75 x 10) $175 per issue
Half page wide (7.25 x 5) $175 per issue
Quarter page (3.75 x 5) $65.00 per issue
Eighth page (3.75 x 2.5) $35.00 per issue
Full page (7.75 x 10.5) $350 per issue
Half page tall (3.75 x 10) $200 per issue
Half page wide (7.25 x 5) $200 per issue
Quarter page (3.75 x 5) $95.00 per issue
Eighth page (3.75 x 2.5) $45.00 per issue
Space will be reserved once payment has been received/cleared. Ads are due one month prior to issue release dates (see below) and payment is due at that time (if not sent prior); non-payment in a timely manner will result in the ad not running. Paying advertisers that miss the ad artwork deadline will be bumped to the following issue. An electronic proof of the ad will be sent to advertisers prior to printing the magazine. Timely response via e-mail is appreciated. A non-response is assumed to be agreement that there are no errors/issues.
Publishing schedule for The Act Itself
Vol 1, Issue 1 - March 31, 2014 - Ads and payment due March 1, 2014
Vol 1, Issue 2 - June 30, 2014 - Ads and payment due June 1, 2014
Vol 1, Issue 3 - September 30, 2014 - Ads and payment due September 1, 2014
Vol 1, Issue 4 - December 31, 2014 - Ads and payment due December 1, 2014
Term and Conditions
Advertisers using PO Box number in their address must furnish Publisher with a legal street address and phone number. No cancellations accepted after deadline.
Payments (US funds only) can be made via PayPal, check or Money Order. For details on how to make paayment, please contact:
John Teehan
Managing Editor, The Act Itself
Electronic File Requirements
Images (minimum 300 dpi .psd, .tif, or .eps); PDF (fonts imbedded); Files must be sent electronically. For questions or troubleshooting, contact